Wednesday, November 24

woah!, I was in the border of crying watching Kaleido Star, of course I didn't, but I guess I cryed without tears... that anime is so godammed good (although there are lots of people that think it's lame).
anyway... this week has been too fucking tyring :'(
read this, it's so fucking funny (*warning it might be NSFW*)

Mood: kinda sad, yet happy
Listening to: Kaleido Star spanish closing song

Sunday, November 21

woah!, I'm stuffed, I've just arrieved from my almost cousin first communion lunch (after going to the ceremony of course) I arrieved to the church at 8:45, and got to his house 'bout halfday, and since then the only thing I did was to eat and laugh, it was a very good day.
btw, my almost cousin hasn't really blood chains, he is just a little friend of mine, and his whole family is like an extension to my family, as we all make a very fun and good group.
anyway, I'm feeling... stuffed, and that's makes me willing to go to the bed xDDD
oh!, I'm downloading a Ghost in the Shell fansub using bittorrent, I just cannot wait to see it

Listening to: The sound of the tree leaves dancing with the air

Saturday, November 20

more things about APEC

lots of people has protested for the APEC, but I really dunno why they're protesting, I mean, they will continue being alive after this.. I think, they say they also protest against Bush, I don't understand this too, they act as if Bush is gnno to send troops from the states to invade Chile or like that he is gonna listen them.
By the way, they are a bunch of anrachist punks, comunist fanatics and dumb high school and universty guys, and their way of showin' their thoughts is breaking public and private property, breaking glasses and robering, dunno how they can possibly believe that they will be taken seriously if they do that.
I don't like what Bush has been doing over here though, I'm not speaking about what he has said, but about what he and its team (the Secret Service) has been doing about security, it has been overwhelming, he really shows out that he isn't confident of Chilean security.

Listening to: Sonata Arctica - Victoria's secret

Friday, November 19


APEC rox, as it was here in Chile this year, we people of Santiago have an extra free day, and I wasted it all trying to fix a broken notebook and surfing all over the web
by the way, I'm seein' a really good movie, it's an stalone one, and it's about mafia. just rox, it's a comedy one btw, just ROTFL, I'll post the title later, 'cause I didn't catch it, I started seeing the actor's names

Mood:ROTFL Watchin' a film
Listening to:that incredible movie

Thursday, November 18

I've been reading "count your sheep" for this whole day, well, actually this whole afternoon, 'cause I spent all my morning trap'd at my school, anyway, the comic is so freaking hilarius, funny and cute. it's about a little 5 years old girl called katie, her first sheep of the sheep counting (that reminds me of something...) 'ship`(actually katie sleeps as soon as she gets to count up to one), and laurie, katie's mom.
anyway, the comic is really funny, it's a continue flow of ROTFL and LOL, so check it out at CountYourSheep.comPosted by Hello

Monday, November 15

heck, shut up dog!!!

my dog has been strange, she is crying for anything, and wouldn't be able to sleep either, so she makes us to sleep really bad, she believes that her toys (wich are some gum ducks) are her children or something, is a really crazy dog, she spend asll yesterday crying and carring those ducks from one place to another, so today my mother got a little angry about that and hid the ducks, now my dog is kinda deppressed, and is worse than before... and that's my bad 'cause the only thing she does when I'm alone is to cry, and is really hard fucusing into anything with that discussting noise.
anyway, that's what the music was invented for... well maybe it wasn't invented for this, but it works anyway.

Mood: lazy
Listening to: Thyrfing - Over the hills and far away

Sunday, November 14

YAY!! birthday

it was a nice birthday, since I got lots of gift, I've never had so many gifts since I was a little child, I got a couple of really nice t-shirts, a jeans, $US7 and an original copy of the lord of the rings!!!... YAY!!, I did read it, but an ilegal copy, and now I can have the best book in the histoey WOW!!, thankya uncle neko (yeah, we call him that way)(no,he isn't related to cats)

Listening to: Blind Guardian - into the s

Saturday, November 13

ouch!!.. my back is hurting meh!!!... I think that's the reason of this anger I'm handling for anything anybody tells me, but what is upseting me more in this state of... dumbness is loud speech, it makes my head to blow away!!!!... I think I'm gonna die!!

Mood: pissed off by anything
Listening to: Mägo de Oz - la venganza de gaia

Thursday, November 11

wow!, this has been kinda a hard week, in three more weeks are the final exams after all... so I've been busy, very busy

Listening to: Interpeter - Song at radio station

Monday, November 8

t3h happyness

hi ^^, i'm happy dunno why, well, I'm not the happyness itself, i'm myself after all, and I cannot change that, but I'm kinda happy for some insane reason wich I dunno of.
it looks like my marks at school are nat as bad as I were especting, I have like ...hhmmm... 6.7 of 7 in physics, and that's pretty good, but that isn't the strange source for my happyness, I still dunno what it is.
anyway, I have to goto the bathroom, maybe I'll be posting again later xDD

Mood:tired, yet happy
Listening to: Sonata Arctica - San sebastian (revisited)

Saturday, November 6

well, this is just to say one thing, I will start posting again, I had to think if this is worth of my time, no I think that is better than lots of things I do, I dunno, I think I've been changing in some way recently, and that makes me doubt sometimes, but my problems with my parents are still there, 'cause I'm a too silly boy :&P, and I cannot shut up my mouth when I must, so everything drives me in a chaos... anyway, I'll be posting a lot, I hoipe everyday, stay tunned
Mood:kinda sad, and angsty Listening to: Sonata Arctica - the boy who wanted to be a real puppet