Sunday, June 5

it's alredy time for another "I really hate post"!!, I really hate how easy-raged my dad is, I mena, he saw me doing schoolwork at 8'o'clock and he started to shout out on how I was doing that work at that time while I were playing 'all the afternoon', but well, I haven't played since launch... I really don't understand. and after that he started 'why do you look at me that way?' and 'are you mad at somebody?'... that kind of question gets my anger at really high levels, and I mean it.
I don't want to continue doing the thing I was doing, I listen his voice downthere in the first floor and my veins fill up with blody rage, if I write anything now by now I'd be wrtiting about death and destruction (and how depresed and angry I am), and not about ethics and ecomony.
well I have now to get down so I can have a higly disturbed dinner.
(WOAH!, it's been long time since my last post! YAY!)


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